The production process

Environmentally friendly, sustainable and automated

Our greenhouses are equipped with assimilation lighting, part of which is comprised of LED lighting. Hoist heating, double screen installations and facade screens are also used to create the optimal greenhouse climate. The double screen installations save energy and control light admission into the greenhouse. By using LED lighting, we use less electricity than we did when we used the old assimilation lights. To handle the heat properly, there is a combi condenser to save even more energy.

A mobile benching system is used on both nurseries. This system consists of aluminium benches, on which the plants are grown. These mobile benches can be automatically transported through the greenhouses, using an advanced logistics system. Processing the plants is almost automatic. The mobile benches at both nurseries are cleaned automatically when empty. This process can be compared to a car wash. The brush rolls over the table and at the same time the table is sprayed clean with water. The dirt is collected in a container and the dirty water is filtered, disinfected and after this the water is reused.

We use rainwater to irrigate the plants. This water is collected underneath the mobile benches in the glasshouses. By using the so-called ebb and flow system, all the water is disinfected and reused. A large amount of water is put on the table in a short time and then slowly drains away. Using this system, the plant has sufficient time to absorb the right amount of water.

Both nurseries use a fully automatic stick-staking machine for the Begonias.

The working area is equipped with robots for potting, widening and harvesting the plants. Above the working area and offices there is a second cultivation layer to make the best use of the space.
The harvestable plants are processed through an automatic sorting system, which works with the help of a computerized camera system. In which the plants are sorted by maturity and height.

Because growing and cultivating is a social responsibility and with having low energy consumption at the nursery J&P ten Have is a MPS-A member. MPS is an organization set up by growers and at the same time they also help growers. MPS wants to make sure that growing plants is focussed on this particular market and also thet we are socially responsible. This means, for example, that as few pesticides as possible are used, that no fertilizers are wasted and that waste is separated.


Due to the demand from the public and the industry, we try to grow as sustainably as possible.

  • We do this by heating the Herenwerf location with geothermal energy from GEOPOWER, for the Kreekrug location we are investigating joining geothermal energy Maasdijk.
  • We apply integrated pest management (I.P.M. Integrated Pest Management). This means that we first try to control a pest or disease biologically or mechanically before using chemicals. For example, we put out biological control agents against White Fly, Aphids and Thrips. Additionally, we try to work hygienically so that diseases and pests have as little chance as possible.
  • Because we carry the ProductProof label from MPS, we use paper sleeves and cardboard trays for packing plants, this mainly for customers in Germany.

The water we use to water the plants is disinfected and reused.